




What can BAMDE offer to the companies? 

Open training courses 

Executive training and management development are crucial for improving the results of your company. BAMDE offers open training courses in the field of marketing, financial management, human resource management, international business, strategic management and corporate restructuring, product and quality management and legal issues. 

In-company training 

The in-company training projects are tailor-made training programmes, focused on practical results to solve the specific problems of a company. It is adjusted to the learning needs that exist within a company and aim at real changes on the work floor through improvement projects. 

Seminars, symposia and studies 

Information about the latest developments in the field of executive training, management development and entrepreneurship. BAMDE organises seminars, symposia and studies on these subjects adapted to the specific conditions of Bulgarian companies. 

Consulting services 

In the cases of specific problems in a company, BAMDE offers consulting services for private and privatised companies in the field of management development. One example: BAMDE has special training in legal matters concerning future membership of Bulgaria in the European Union, e.g. intellectual property rights.



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Last modified: 01-10-21